Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Daily writing prompt
Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

Here’s a rough list of things I would tag with “sustainability”

  • I try to walk 10k/day on average. It improves my mental health for a whole lot of reasons. I barely use the car so it reduces my family’s carbon footprint
  • Eat less meat. I’ve tried vegetarian but it doesn’t work for me. Less meat is still better than other options
  • I read from about 10pm to when I get sleepy. Once I get sleepy, I go to bed. In case I can’t sleep, I read more
  • I have an 8pm limit on work, even if I want to do overtime, I try not to exceed 8pm. Remote work comes with risks, one risk is blurring the line between personal and professional, and putting a strain on family
  • We adopted a liberal minimalism at home. I wouldn’t buy clothes if I don’t need them, or if I don’t have empty space in my 2 drawers. I still buy paper books though, shame on me.

4 thoughts on “Are there things you try to practice daily to live a more sustainable lifestyle?

  1. I agree with leturos. Although like paper books too, I think the authors (especially before the turn of the century) envisioned their work on paper, so it’s part of the artistry. I try to be picky about which ones I keep.

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    1. I keep the books that bring me positive emotions. However, after searching for some books on second-hand stores, my perception shifted a bit. Turned out I’ve donated books that are very rare and might’ve been enjoyed by a collector. I also keep books that have almost no second-hand value. I might make a major cleanup in the near future.


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