Saying “No”

Daily writing prompt
How often do you say “no” to things that would interfere with your goals?

Over the last decade, my goal has been to not shoot an immediate “No” to things. “No” used to be my default. The things can be opportunities, they deserve to be evaluated. “No” is easy. Nothing changes, it’s conservative. “Yes”, however, is the sun breaking through the clouds. It can be hard. So, instead of saying “No”, I think about it, evaluate it, and try to make it work and to see its purpose. More often than not, it turns out that it makes sense.

Of course, this is a generalization that applies to my life. In case the thing is, “Let’s jump over the North Pole with a parachute”, still an immediate “No”. Okay, actually, can we make it work somehow? How are we getting there? How much does it cost? How do we travel to the North Pole and back? What about polar bears? Yolo.

3 thoughts on “Saying “No”

  1. I’d go to the North Pole if polar bears agreed not to bother me. I’ve been close to the North Pole in a plane before. That probably counts as much as a layover I once had in the Rome, Italy airport on my way from Singapore to Istanbul. Seems like I flew a bit too far east. Maybe I should have said no. I don’t count the stop as visiting Italy.

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    1. Leonardo da Vinci–Fiumicino Airport is quite an experience as well. Almost like jumping with a parachute but safer.

      Regarding the polar bears, I suspect they’re probably closer to the edges. They have to eat after all. What would they eat in the middle of all that ice?

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